Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello and Welcome Back
to all new and continuing nontraditional students!

My name is Elisa Vuyk.  I am this year’s president for the Nontraditional Student Association, aka NTSA.  Yes, we have an organization.  If you are not clear of who or what we are, we are new or returning students to BYU that are age 30 and over. 

Our association’s purpose is to make transitioning back to school as stress free as possible through establishing connections and providing support.  

As we all know, life as a nontraditional student is exceptionally busy!  We want you to know that we are here to make life easier.  We have many tips and tools to help you smoothly transition into life as a BYU student, so you can stay competitive with this amazing intellectual and technological generation.  

We have had some wonderful volunteer leaders in the past who have created a great foundation, and we look forward to building upon what has been created. 

A special thank you to our past president Tiffany Peterson who graduated last April. 
We wish you all the best in your future pursuits!
Inline image 2

It will be an exciting year!  I look forward to serving you! Please check your email Invitations to upcoming events are coming soon. Please feel free to contact me at anytime. I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you or direct you to someone who can meet your needs. 


Elisa Vuyk
NTSA President
office: 801-610-9133